Source code for txpostgres.txpostgres

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Jan Urbanski.
# See LICENSE for details.
txpostgres is a library for accessing a PostgreSQL_ database from the Twisted_
framework. It builds upon asynchronous features of the Psycopg_ database
library, which in turn exposes the asynchronous features of libpq_, the
PostgreSQL C library.

It requires a version of Psycopg that includes support for `asynchronous
connections`_ (versions 2.2.0 and later) and a reasonably recent Twisted (it
has been tested with Twisted 10.2 onward). Alternatively, psycopg2cffi_ or
psycopg2-ctypes_ can be used in lieu of Psycopg.

txpostgres tries to present an interface that will be familiar to users of both
Twisted and Psycopg. It features a :class:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Cursor`
wrapper class that mimics the interface of a Psycopg :psycopg:`cursor
<cursor.html#cursor>` but returns :d:`Deferred` objects. It also provides a
:class:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Connection` class that is meant to be a drop-in
replacement for Twisted's :tm:`adbapi.Connection
<enterprise.adbapi.Connection>` with some small differences regarding
connection establishing.

The main advantage of txpostgres over Twisted's built-in database support is
non-blocking connection building and complete lack of thread usage.

The library is distributed under the MIT License, see the LICENSE file for
details. You can contact the author, Jan Urbański, at Feel
free to download the source_, file bugs in the `issue tracker`_ and consult the

.. _PostgreSQL:
.. _Twisted:
.. _Psycopg:
.. _Python:
.. _libpq:
.. _`asynchronous connections`:
.. _psycopg2cffi:
.. _psycopg2-ctypes:
.. _source:
.. _issue tracker:
.. _documentation:
from __future__ import absolute_import

from zope.interface import implements

from twisted.internet import interfaces, main, defer, task
from twisted.python import failure, log

from txpostgres.psycopg2_impl import psycopg2

except AttributeError:
    import warnings
        "psycopg2 does not have async support. "
        "You need at least version 2.2.0 of psycopg2 "
        "to use txpostgres."))

__all__ = ['Connection', 'Cursor', 'ConnectionPool', '_PollingMixin',
           'AlreadyConnected', 'RollbackFailed',
           'UnexpectedPollResult', 'AlreadyPolling']

[docs]class UnexpectedPollResult(Exception): """ Polling returned an unexpected result. """
[docs]class AlreadyPolling(Exception): """ The previous poll cycle has not been finished yet. This probably indicates an issue in txpostgres, rather than in user code. """
class _CancelInProgress(Exception): """ A query cancellation is in progress. """
[docs]class _PollingMixin(object): """ An object that wraps something pollable. It can take care of waiting for the wrapped pollable to reach the OK state and adapts the pollable's interface to :tm:`interfaces.IReadWriteDescriptor <internet.interfaces.IReadWriteDescriptor>`. It will forward all attribute access that is has not been wrapped to the underlying pollable. Useful as a mixin for classes that wrap a psycopg2 pollable object. :var reactor: The reactor that the class will use to wait for the wrapped pollable to reach the OK state. :vartype reactor: an :tm:`IReactorFDSet <internet.interfaces.IReactorFDSet>` provider :var prefix: Prefix used during log formatting to indicate context. :vartype prefix: :class:`str` """ implements(interfaces.IReadWriteDescriptor) reactor = None prefix = "pollable" _pollingD = None
[docs] def pollable(self): """ Return the pollable object. Subclasses should override this. :return: A psycopg2 pollable. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def poll(self): """ Start polling the wrapped pollable. :return: A :d:`Deferred` that will fire with an instance of this class when the pollable reaches the OK state. """ # this should never be called while the previous Deferred is still # active, as it would clobber its reference if self._pollingD: return ret = self._pollingD = defer.Deferred(self._cancel) # transform a psycopg2 QueryCanceledError into CancelledError self._pollingD.addErrback(self._handleCancellation) self.continuePolling() return ret
[docs] def continuePolling(self, swallowErrors=False): """ Move forward in the poll cycle. This will call psycopg2's :psycopg:`poll() <connection.html#connection.poll>` on the wrapped pollable and either wait for more I/O or callback or errback the :d:`Deferred` returned earlier if the polling cycle has been completed. :param swallowErrors: Should errors with no one to report them to be ignored. :type swallowErrors: bool :raise: :exc:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.UnexpectedPollResult` when :meth:`poll` returns a result from outside of the :psycopg:`expected list <extensions.html#poll-constants>`. """ # This method often gets called from the reactor's doRead/doWrite # handlers. Don't callback or errback the polling Deferred here, as # arbitrary user code can be run by that and we don't want to deal with # reentrancy issues if this user code tries running queries. The # polling Deferred might also be simply not present, if we got called # from a doRead after receiving a NOTIFY event. try: state = self.pollable().poll() except: if self._pollingD: d, self._pollingD = self._pollingD, None self.reactor.callLater(0, d.errback, failure.Failure()) elif not swallowErrors: # no one to report the error to raise else: if state == psycopg2.extensions.POLL_OK: if self._pollingD: d, self._pollingD = self._pollingD, None self.reactor.callLater(0, d.callback, self) elif state == psycopg2.extensions.POLL_WRITE: self.reactor.addWriter(self) elif state == psycopg2.extensions.POLL_READ: self.reactor.addReader(self) else: if self._pollingD: d, self._pollingD = self._pollingD, None self.reactor.callLater( 0, d.errback, UnexpectedPollResult()) elif not swallowErrors: # no one to report the error to raise UnexpectedPollResult()
def doRead(self): self.reactor.removeReader(self) if not self.pollable().closed: self.continuePolling() def doWrite(self): self.reactor.removeWriter(self) if not self.pollable().closed: self.continuePolling() def logPrefix(self): return self.prefix def fileno(self): # this should never get called after the pollable has been # disconnected, but Twisted versions affected by bug #4539 might cause # it to happen, in which case we should return -1 if self.pollable().closed: return -1 return self.pollable().fileno() def connectionLost(self, reason): # Do not errback self._pollingD here if the connection is still open! # We need to keep on polling until it reports an error, which will # errback self._pollingD with the correct failure. If we errback here, # we won't finish the polling cycle, which would leave psycopg2 in a # state where it thinks there's still an async query underway. # # If the connection got lost right after the first poll(), the Deferred # returned from it will never fire, leaving the caller hanging forever, # unless we push the connection state forward here. OTOH, if the # connection is already closed, there's no pollable to poll, so if # self._pollingD is still present, the only option is to errback it to # prevent its waiters from hanging (you can't poll() a closed psycopg2 # connection) if not self.pollable().closed: # we're pushing the polling cycle to report pending failures, so if # there's no one to report them to, swallow them self.continuePolling(swallowErrors=True) elif self._pollingD: d, self._pollingD = self._pollingD, None d.errback(reason) def _cancel(self, d): try: self.pollable().cancel() except AttributeError: # the pollable has no cancellation support, ignore pass # prevent Twisted from errbacking the deferred being cancelled, because # the PostgreSQL protocol requires finishing the entire polling process # before reusing the connection raise _CancelInProgress() def _handleCancellation(self, f): f.trap(psycopg2.extensions.QueryCanceledError) return failure.Failure(defer.CancelledError()) # Hack required to work with the Gtk2 reactor in Twisted <=11.0, which # tries to access the "disconnected" property on the IReadWriteDescriptor # it polls. To avoid attribute errors, forward that access to the "closed" # property of the underlying connection. def disconnected(self): return self.pollable().closed disconnected = property(disconnected) # forward all other access to the underlying connection def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.pollable(), name)
[docs]class Cursor(_PollingMixin): """ A wrapper for a psycopg2 asynchronous cursor. The wrapper will forward almost everything to the wrapped cursor, so the usual DB-API interface can be used, but it will return :d:`Deferred` objects that will fire with the DB-API results. Remember that the PostgreSQL protocol does not support concurrent asynchronous queries execution, so you need to take care not to execute a query while another is still being processed. In most cases you should just use the :class:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Connection` methods that will handle the locking necessary to prevent concurrent query execution. """ def __init__(self, cursor, connection): self.reactor = connection.reactor self.prefix = "cursor" self._connection = connection self._cursor = cursor def pollable(self): return self._connection.pollable()
[docs] def execute(self, query, params=None): """ A regular DB-API execute, but returns a :d:`Deferred`. The caller must be careful not to call this method twice on cursors from the same connection without waiting for the previous execution to complete. :return: A :d:`Deferred` that will fire with the results of the DB-API execute. """ return self._doit('execute', query, params)
[docs] def callproc(self, procname, params=None): """ A regular DB-API callproc, but returns a :d:`Deferred`. The caller must be careful not to call this method twice on cursors from the same connection without waiting for the previous execution to complete. :return: A :d:`Deferred` that will fire with the results of the DB-API callproc. """ return self._doit('callproc', procname, params)
def _doit(self, name, *args, **kwargs): try: getattr(self._cursor, name)(*args, **kwargs) except: return # tell the connection that a cursor is starting its poll cycle self._connection.cursorRunning(self) def finishedAndPassthrough(ret): # tell the connection that the poll cycle has finished self._connection.cursorFinished(self) return ret d = self.poll() return d.addBoth(finishedAndPassthrough)
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the cursor. Once closed, the cursor cannot be used again. :returns: :class:`None` """ return self._cursor.close()
def __getattr__(self, name): # the pollable is the connection, but the wrapped object is the cursor return getattr(self._cursor, name)
[docs]class AlreadyConnected(Exception): """ The database connection is already open. """
[docs]class RollbackFailed(Exception): """ Rolling back the transaction failed, the connection might be in an unusable state. :var connection: The connection that failed to roll back its transaction. :vartype connection: :class:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Connection` :var originalFailure: The failure that caused the connection to try to roll back the transaction. :vartype originalFailure: a Twisted :tm:`Failure <python.failure.Failure>` """ def __init__(self, connection, originalFailure): self.connection = connection self.originalFailure = originalFailure def __str__(self): return "<RollbackFailed, original error: %s>" % self.originalFailure
[docs]class Connection(_PollingMixin): """ A wrapper for a psycopg2 asynchronous connection. The wrapper forwards almost everything to the wrapped connection, but provides additional methods for compatibility with :tm:`adbapi.Connection <enterprise.adbapi.Connection>`. :param reactor: A Twisted reactor or :class:`None`, which means the current reactor :param cooperator: A Twisted :tm:`Cooperator <internet.task.Cooperator>` to process :pg:`NOTIFY <notify>` events or :class:`None`, which means using :tm:`task.cooperate <internet.task.cooperate>` :var connectionFactory: The factory used to produce connections, defaults to :psycopg:`psycopg2.connect <module.html#psycopg2.connect>` :vartype connectionFactory: any callable :var cursorFactory: The factory used to produce cursors, defaults to :class:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Cursor` :vartype cursorFactory: a callable accepting two positional arguments, a :psycopg:`psycopg2.cursor <cursor.html#cursor>` and a :class:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Connection` """ connectionFactory = staticmethod(psycopg2.connect) cursorFactory = Cursor def __init__(self, reactor=None, cooperator=None, detector=None): if not reactor: from twisted.internet import reactor if not cooperator: # the task module provides cooperate() cooperator = task self.reactor = reactor self.cooperator = cooperator self.detector = detector self.prefix = "connection" # this lock will be used to prevent concurrent query execution self.lock = defer.DeferredLock() self._connection = None # a set of cursors that should be notified about a disconnection self._cursors = set() # observers for NOTIFY events self._notifyObservers = set() def pollable(self): return self._connection
[docs] def connect(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Connect to the database. Any arguments will be passed to :attr:`connectionFactory`. Use them to pass database names, usernames, passwords, etc. :return: A :d:`Deferred` that will fire when the connection is open. :raise: :exc:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.AlreadyConnected` when the connection has already been opened. """ if self.detector: self.detector.setReconnectable(self, *args, **kwargs) if self._connection and not self._connection.closed: return kwargs['async'] = True try: self._connection = self.connectionFactory(*args, **kwargs) except: return def startReadingAndPassthrough(ret): self.reactor.addReader(self) return ret # The connection is always a reader in the reactor, to receive NOTIFY # events immediately when they're available. d = self.poll() return d.addCallback(startReadingAndPassthrough)
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the connection and disconnect from the database. :return: :class:`None` """ # We'll be closing the underlying socket so stop watching it. self.reactor.removeReader(self) self.reactor.removeWriter(self) # make it safe to call Connection.close() multiple times, psycopg2 # treats this as an error but we don't if not self._connection.closed: self._connection.close() # The above closed the connection socket from C code. Normally we would # get connectionLost called on all readers and writers of that socket, # but not if we're using the epoll reactor. According to the epoll(2) # man page, closing a file descriptor causes it to be removed from all # epoll sets automatically. In that case, the reactor might not have # the chance to notice that the connection has been closed. To cover # that, call connectionLost explicitly on the Connection and all # outstanding Cursors. It's OK if connectionLost ends up being called # twice, as the second call will not have any effects. for cursor in set(self._cursors): cursor.connectionLost(failure.Failure(main.CONNECTION_DONE)) self.connectionLost(failure.Failure(main.CONNECTION_DONE))
[docs] def cursor(self): """ Create an asynchronous cursor using :attr:`cursorFactory`. """ return self.cursorFactory(self._connection.cursor(), self)
[docs] def runQuery(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Execute an SQL query and return the result. An asynchronous cursor will be created and its :meth:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Cursor.execute` method will be invoked with the provided arguments. After the query completes the results will be fetched and the returned :d:`Deferred` will fire with the result. The connection is always in autocommit mode, so the query will be run in a one-off transaction. In case of errors a :tm:`Failure <python.failure.Failure>` will be returned. It is safe to call this method multiple times without waiting for the first query to complete. :return: A :d:`Deferred` that will fire with the return value of the cursor's :meth:`fetchall` method. """ return self._doit(self._runQuery, *args, **kwargs)
def _runQuery(self, *args, **kwargs): c = self.cursor() d = c.execute(*args, **kwargs) return d.addCallback(lambda c: c.fetchall())
[docs] def runOperation(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Execute an SQL query and discard the result. Identical to :meth:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Connection.runQuery`, but the result won't be fetched and instead :class:`None` will be returned. It is intended for statements that do not normally return values, like INSERT or DELETE. It is safe to call this method multiple times without waiting for the first query to complete. :return: A :d:`Deferred` that will fire :class:`None`. """ return self._doit(self._runOperation, *args, **kwargs)
def _runOperation(self, *args, **kwargs): c = self.cursor() d = c.execute(*args, **kwargs) return d.addCallback(lambda _: None)
[docs] def runInteraction(self, interaction, *args, **kwargs): """ Run commands in a transaction and return the result. :obj:`interaction` should be a callable that will be passed a :class:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Cursor` object. Before calling :obj:`interaction` a new transaction will be started, so the callable can assume to be running all its commands in a transaction. If :obj:`interaction` returns a :d:`Deferred` processing will wait for it to fire before proceeding. You should not close the provided :class:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Cursor`. After :obj:`interaction` finishes work the transaction will be automatically committed. If it raises an exception or returns a :tm:`Failure <python.failure.Failure>` the connection will be rolled back instead. If committing the transaction fails it will be rolled back instead and the failure obtained trying to commit will be returned. If rolling back the transaction fails the failure obtained from the rollback attempt will be logged and a :exc:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.RollbackFailed` failure will be returned. The returned failure will contain references to the original failure that caused the transaction to be rolled back and to the :class:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Connection` in which that happened, so the user can take a decision whether she still wants to be using it or just close it, because an open transaction might have been left open in the database. It is safe to call this method multiple times without waiting for the first query to complete. :param interaction: A callable whose first argument is a :class:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Cursor`. :type interaction: any callable :return: A :d:`Deferred` that will fire with the return value of :obj:`interaction`. """ return self._doit(self._runInteraction, interaction, *args, **kwargs)
def _runInteraction(self, interaction, *args, **kwargs): c = self.cursor() d = c.execute("begin") d.addCallback(interaction, *args, **kwargs) def commitAndPassthrough(ret, cursor): e = cursor.execute("commit") return e.addCallback(lambda _: ret) def rollbackAndPassthrough(f, cursor): # maybeDeferred in case cursor.execute raises a synchronous # exception e = defer.maybeDeferred(cursor.execute, "rollback") def justPanic(rf): log.err(rf) return, f)) # if rollback failed panic e.addErrback(justPanic) # otherwise reraise the original failure return e.addCallback(lambda _: f) d.addCallback(commitAndPassthrough, c) d.addErrback(rollbackAndPassthrough, c) return d def _doit(self, method, *args, **kwargs): if self.detector: args = (method, ) + args method = self.detector.callChecking return, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def cancel(self, d): """ Cancel the current operation. The cancellation does not happen immediately, because the PostgreSQL protocol requires that the application waits for confirmation after the query has been cancelled. Be careful when cancelling an interaction, because if the interaction includes sending multiple queries to the database server, you can't really be sure which one are you cancelling. :param d: a :d:`Deferred` returned by one of :class:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Connection` methods. """ try: d.cancel() except _CancelInProgress: pass
[docs] def cursorRunning(self, cursor): """ Called automatically when a :class:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Cursor` created by this :class:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Connection` starts polling after executing a query. User code should never have to call this method. """ # The cursor will now proceed to poll the psycopg2 connection, so stop # polling it ourselves until it's done. Failure to do so would result # in the connection "stealing" the POLL_OK result that appears after # the query is completed and the Deferred returned from the cursor's # poll() will never fire. self.reactor.removeReader(self) self._cursors.add(cursor)
[docs] def cursorFinished(self, cursor): """ Called automatically when a :class:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Cursor` created by this :class:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Connection` is done with polling after executing a query. User code should never have to call this method. """ self._cursors.remove(cursor) # The cursor is done polling, resume watching the connection for NOTIFY # events. Be careful to check the connection state, because it might # have been closed while the cursor was polling and adding ourselves as # a reader to a closed connection would be an error. if not self._connection.closed: self.reactor.addReader(self) # While cursor was running, some notifies could have been # delivered, so check for them. self.checkForNotifies()
def doRead(self): # call superclass to handle the pending read event on the socket _PollingMixin.doRead(self) # check for NOTIFY events self.checkForNotifies() # continue watching for NOTIFY events, but be careful to check the # connection state in case one of the notify handler function caused a # disconnection if not self._connection.closed: self.reactor.addReader(self) def connectionLost(self, reason): _PollingMixin.connectionLost(self, reason) if self.detector: self.detector.checkForDeadConnection(reason)
[docs] def checkForNotifies(self): """ Check if :pg:`NOTIFY <notify>` events have been received and if so, dispatch them to the registered observers, using the :tm:`Cooperator <internet.task.Cooperator>` provided in the constructor. This is done automatically, user code should never need to call this method. """ # avoid creating a CooperativeTask in the common case of no notifies if self._connection.notifies: self.cooperator.cooperate(self._checkForNotifies())
def _checkForNotifies(self): notifies = self._connection.notifies[:] del self._connection.notifies[:] for notify in notifies: # don't iterate over self._notifyObservers directly because the # observer function might call removeNotifyObserver, thus modifying # the set while it's being iterated for observer in self.getNotifyObservers(): # this method is run from inside the global Cooperator, so # there's no one to report errors to -- just log them; use # maybeDeferred in case the observer returns a failing Deferred # that would stop the cooperator from processing remaining # observers yield defer.maybeDeferred(observer, notify).addErrback(log.err)
[docs] def addNotifyObserver(self, observer): """ Add an observer function that will get called whenever a :pg:`NOTIFY <notify>` event is delivered to this connection. Any number of observers can be added to a connection. Adding an observer that's already been added is ignored. Observer functions are processed using the :tm:`Cooperator <internet.task.Cooperator>` provided in the constructor to avoid blocking the reactor thread when processing large numbers of events. If an observer returns a :d:`Deferred`, processing waits until it fires or errbacks. There are no guarantees as to the order in which observer functions are called when :pg:`NOTIFY <notify>` events are delivered. Exceptions in observers are logged and discarded. :param observer: A callable whose first argument is a :psycopg:`psycopg2.extensions.Notify <extensions.html#psycopg2.extensions.Notify>`. :type observer: any callable """ self._notifyObservers.add(observer)
[docs] def removeNotifyObserver(self, observer): """ Remove a previously added observer function. Removing an observer that's never been added will be ignored. :param observer: A callable that should no longer be called on :pg:`NOTIFY <notify>` events. :type observer: any callable """ self._notifyObservers.discard(observer)
[docs] def getNotifyObservers(self): """ Get the currently registered notify observers. :return: A set of callables that will get called on :pg:`NOTIFY <notify>` events. :rtype: :class:`set` """ return set(self._notifyObservers)
[docs]class ConnectionPool(object): """ A poor man's pool of :class:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Connection` instances. :var min: The amount of connections that will be open when :meth:`~ConnectionPool.start` is called. The pool never opens or closes connections on its own after starting. Defaults to 3. :vartype min: int :var connectionFactory: The factory used to produce connections, defaults to :class:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Connection`. :vartype connectionFactory: any callable :var reactor: The reactor passed to :attr:`.connectionFactory`. :var cooperator: The cooperator passed to :attr:`.connectionFactory`. """ min = 3 connectionFactory = Connection reactor = None cooperator = None
[docs] def __init__(self, _ignored, *connargs, **connkw): """ Create a new connection pool. Any positional or keyword arguments other than the first one and a :obj:`min` keyword argument are passed to :attr:`connectionFactory` when connecting. Use these arguments to pass database names, usernames, passwords, etc. :param _ignored: Ignored, for :tm:`adbapi.ConnectionPool <enterprise.adbapi.ConnectionPool>` compatibility. :type _ignored: any object """ if not self.reactor: from twisted.internet import reactor self.reactor = reactor # for adbapi compatibility, min can be passed in kwargs if 'min' in connkw: self.min = connkw.pop('min') self.connargs = connargs self.connkw = connkw self.connections = set( [self.connectionFactory(self.reactor, self.cooperator) for _ in range(self.min)]) # to avoid checking out more connections than there are pooled in total self._semaphore = defer.DeferredSemaphore(self.min)
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the connection pool. This will create as many connections as the pool's :attr:`min` variable says. :return: A :d:`Deferred` that fires when all connection have succeeded. """ # use DeferredList here, as gatherResults only got a consumeErrors # keyword argument in Twisted 11.1.0 d = defer.DeferredList([c.connect(*self.connargs, **self.connkw) for c in self.connections], fireOnOneErrback=True, consumeErrors=True) return d.addCallback(lambda _: self)
[docs] def close(self): """ Stop the pool. Disconnects all connections. :returns: :class:`None` """ for c in self.connections: c.close()
[docs] def remove(self, connection): """ Remove a connection from the pool. Provided to be able to remove broken connections from the pool. The caller should make sure the removed connection does not have queries pending. :param connection: The connection to be removed. :type connection: an object produced by the pool's :attr:`connectionFactory` """ if not self.connections: raise ValueError("Connection still in use") self.connections.remove(connection) self._semaphore.limit -= 1 self._semaphore.acquire() # bleargh...
[docs] def add(self, connection): """ Add a connection to the pool. Provided to be able to extend the pool with new connections. :param connection: The connection to be added. :type connection: an object compatible with those produced by the pool's :attr:`connectionFactory` """ self.connections.add(connection) self._semaphore.limit += 1 self._semaphore.release() # uuuugh...
def _putBackAndPassthrough(self, result, connection): self.connections.add(connection) return result
[docs] def runQuery(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Execute an SQL query using a pooled connection and return the result. One of the pooled connections will be chosen, its :meth:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Connection.runQuery` method will be called and the resulting :d:`Deferred` will be returned. :return: A :d:`Deferred` obtained by a pooled connection's :meth:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Connection.runQuery` """ return, *args, **kwargs)
def _runQuery(self, *args, **kwargs): c = self.connections.pop() d = c.runQuery(*args, **kwargs) return d.addBoth(self._putBackAndPassthrough, c)
[docs] def runOperation(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Execute an SQL query using a pooled connection and discard the result. One of the pooled connections will be chosen, its :meth:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Connection.runOperation` method will be called and the resulting :d:`Deferred` will be returned. :return: A :d:`Deferred` obtained by a pooled connection's :meth:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Connection.runOperation` """ return, *args, **kwargs)
def _runOperation(self, *args, **kwargs): c = self.connections.pop() d = c.runOperation(*args, **kwargs) return d.addBoth(self._putBackAndPassthrough, c)
[docs] def runInteraction(self, interaction, *args, **kwargs): """ Run commands in a transaction using a pooled connection and return the result. One of the pooled connections will be chosen, its :meth:`~txpostgres.txpostgres.Connection.runInteraction` method will be called and the resulting :d:`Deferred` will be returned. :param interaction: A callable that will be passed to :meth:`Connection.runInteraction <txpostgres.Connection.runInteraction>` :type interaction: any callable :return: A :d:`Deferred` obtained by a pooled connection's :meth:`Connection.runInteraction <txpostgres.Connection.runInteraction>` """ return self._runInteraction, interaction, *args, **kwargs)
def _runInteraction(self, interaction, *args, **kwargs): c = self.connections.pop() d = c.runInteraction(interaction, *args, **kwargs) return d.addBoth(self._putBackAndPassthrough, c)